Wow, I would love to be overpaid $10,000. Paying it back could sting, though.
Seriously, how does an organization screw up four separate paychecks? That is absolutely inexcusable. What better way to give trust in local government a kick in the shins than to overpay a part-timer (earning $62K/year) by ten grand? Well, don't answer that. There are much bigger ways to screw up, and in the grand scheme of things this isn't that big of a deal. But it isn't good. What are the odds that, if elected, Mayor Beutler's first act will be to clean house in the accounting department?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
At least I will give props to the Journal Star (don’t let that get around) for telling this story. I thought the piece on Ray’s Lawn Care/Ken Svoboda last week was a last-minute hatchet job to make him look bad just before the primary.
(Inserting tongue in cheek)
Now, it’s clear that both mayoral front-runners are victims of last-minute hatchet jobs, thus proving that the Journal Star wants Roger Yant to be the next mayor.
(Now removing tongue from cheek)
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