The City Council opted to hire a private attorney rather than use the City attorney after being sued by Developmental Services of Nebraska (DSN). The five Council members who voted against allowing DSN to add a fourth individual to three of its group homes will be questioned under oath regarding the case. DSN argues that the City's policies are discriminatory and create a shortage of housing in violation of federal law.
The lawsuit itself doesn't bother me. These sorts of things happen, and ultimately they help clarify what everybody's responsibilities are in terms of protecting individuals' rights.
I am a little concerned about the Council deciding to hire a private attorney, however. The action seems unnecessary considering the City has its own attorney on the payroll. I know several of my regular readers have legal training. What's your take on this? Is it a reasonable action, or does it strike you as unusual?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
No legal training here and I’m not familiar enough with the case to even give a bystanders opinion. However, I do agree that the hiring of a private attorney doesn’t do much for the PR campaign…looks a little smelly.
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