Oso Update

By: Mr. Wilson on November 2, 2006
As [url=http://lincolnite.com/forums/viewthread/4]reported in the forums[/url], Oso Burrito is planning a second location at 70th and Van Dorn. I've been checking up on their progress, and it sounds like they are on schedule for a mid-November opening. I've been hinting to them that I would be more than happy to help them kick the tires on the new place, but so far no invites for any pre-opening black tie soirees. I know that many of you are big Oso fans, so perhaps a meet-up is in order at the new location during opening week. Any takers?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

November 2, 2006 at 5:42PM

I’d be down for some chum tacos.

Been far too long since I have had any oso.
Wish the lifepartner liked different stuff.  She makes me get Val’s every time :(

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