I'm a fan of LB571, which would allow unmarried couples to jointly adopt children. Unfortunately, the debate is probably more likely to be focused on the (perceived) perils of allowing gay couples to adopt, rather than on the benefits of placing more family-less children with loving and capable parents. I should note that I am not inherently opposed to requiring somewhat stricter rules for unmarried adoptive couples than married couples to the extent that those rules are designed to protect the adopted child, especially in the event that the couple breaks up. Let's not pretend that being married automatically makes a couple more suited for parenting than an unmarried couple, though. Generally speaking that's probably true. But the fact that an unmarried couple is willing and able to make it through the adoption process probably makes them more qualified to raise a child than a good chunk of married couples.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I know three unmarried couples with children. 1 is a lesbian couple, both degreed professionals in their respective fields and they have adopted one child and conceived one child. The only problems they have had as parents being unmarried is the fact that they take an huge economic hit every month paying for separate insurance policies for everything and the ownership of all their property is a bit more muddled since their married status is not recognized in this state. The other couple can’t get married because they don’t want to deal with INS hassles. He is a German citizen in a post-graduate program and she is a post graduate research bio working towards her doctorate. Both are amazing couples/parents. Education and planning are the key. The nonsense of the perceived threat of gays and lesbians being able to adopt is just that, bigoted, ignorant nonsense.
I think we need to accept that married couples are the minority now, and do what is best for kids needing a loving home and not get so hung up on marital status.
The nonsense of the perceived threat of gays and lesbians being able to adopt is just that, bigoted, ignorant nonsense.
Is it possible to be opposed to non-married adoption without being an nonsensical, ignorant bigot?
Dave K: Yes.
Yes. I was merely highlighting a large part of the argument. I don’t see anything about non married adopters that can’t be said for married adopters with regards to reasons why they shouldn’t be allowed to adopt. There is already a laundry list of requirements for people that apply to adopt-I don’t see how whether or not they are sanctioned by a piece of paper or a religious body has any bearing on the matter, nor their sexual affiliation, which seems to keep coming back up.
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