I am a longtime Union Bank customer. I like Union Bank, in large part because I have always been very impressed by their customer service. They have been good to me, and I reward that with my business.
But Union Bank's online banking system? Awful. Horrible. Terribly, pitifully, laughably bad. And that's after the "upgrade" that went into effect today. The user experience is -- I'm running out of synonyms for awful -- atrocious.
Seriously, Union Bank, it's 2007. The rest of the world is on Web 2.0 and you're on, what, Web 0.8?
It's a good thing I like Union Bank for other reasons.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
hmmmm…. Me been a union banker my whole life. Took me quite some time to log in this morning. Flash is so 2002 😉
At least the error at the top is gone. Neat they do the round up thing now. Forced savings = cool.
Funny thing is they will not give me a credit card, and I got my house loan from another bank. UBT = best pens ever.
I have to agree with you as a long time customer I love the bank but they need to catch up.
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