One Tired Puppy

By: Mr. Wilson on January 2, 2006
I hope the New Year finds you well! Daisy is pooped, and so is the rest of the Wilson family. We had ourselves a busy little weekend. The Missus flew down to Albuquerque to visit her parents. I hear she had a good trip with lots of good conversations. She almost didn't make it back home on schedule. Her flight out of ABQ was delayed by about 45 minutes which, coincidentally, was how long of a layover she was supposed to have in Denver. Clearly trouble was brewing. Before she left ABQ she managed to make arrangements to get onto a later flight out of Denver in the event that she couldn't catch her original flight. Problem addressed, if not solved. Here's where the story gets tricky. While she was in the air, United Airlines called her parents' house to say that she was being bumped from her original flight (because she wouldn't be there in time) and moved to the one and only later flight out of Denver to Lincoln. Her parents didn't know she had already made arrangements, and apparently neither did the lady from United. The Missus' parents called me, gave me the story, and so I planned to pick up The Missus at 9:30pm rather than 5:53pm. But then The Missus didn't call me from Denver to complain about getting bumped. I know The Missus, and I know darn good and well that she should have called to complain about getting home four hours later than planned. Why didn't she call? I hopped onto the computer and tracked each of her known and potential flights. Hmm, it looked like if she ran really fast through the Denver airport, she just may have been able to catch her original flight (even though the United lady said she'd been bumped). Anyway, long story short (too late!) she did catch her original flight, despite the fact that they had already closed the gate doors, and despite the fact that as far as we've been able to tell she no longer held a legitimate ticket for that flight. (As evidence for the latter, somebody else had a ticket for her originally assigned seat.) Here's the real miracle: somehow her luggage made the sprint from one end of Denver's Concourse B to the other in time to catch her flight too. I spent much of my weekend at my parents' house. We had family up from Louisiana. I got in some Trivial Pursuit (one win, one loss), some pitch, and a fair bit of time with my niece and young cousins. One of my cousins is a smart little turkey: at 27 months he can count to twenty, he knows the alphabet (not just the song -- he can identify the letters with ease), he knows colors, and he has a pretty decent understanding of language. What's frightening is that many kindergartners show up at the public school doorstep with less of a preparation than that. And poor Daisy. She went full steam ahead the entire weekend. She's used to just laying around all day while The Missus and I are at work, so you can imagine how a full weekend can knock her out. She's passed out in her bed next to me right now. I need to get off the computer for now. The Missus is a bit behind on her e-mail, among other computer-related tasks. I'll be posting regularly again from now on, now that the busy holiday season is behind us. On to the heart of the wonderful Nebraska winter!


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