Oh no, Bo!

By: Mr. Wilson on January 5, 2005
In light of Oklahoma's Orange Bowl 55-19 drubbing last night by USC, I wonder: How will the Church of Bo respond? The Church of Bo, for those of you who don't know, are those who think Bo Pelini can do no wrong. He was the greatest defensive coordinator ever for the Huskers in 2003, he would have made a far greater head coach than Bill Callahan, Oklahoma would be unbeatable with Bo on their sideline, yadda yadda yadda. Seeing their man's defense give up 55 points is a bit like Catholics finding out the Pope has 16 wives and a pool boy on the side. Talk about disillusionment. The pro-Bo folks have some lines up their sleeves, of course. Many of the points came off turnovers, for example. But they can't use those lines. Well, not if they want to maintain any sense of integrity, anyway. After all, the pro-Bo folks (who happen to correlate heavily with the pro-Frank folks and the Anti-Steve contingent) wouldn't allow anybody to use similar arguments in describing the Huskers' 2004 campaign. To use the same arguments they so recently railed against would be oh-so hypocritical. Don't get me wrong. I'm not bashing Bo. I think he's a fine coach. I just don't think he proved himself to be any more fantabulous than anybody else. His defense lost big games at Nebraska, and his defense lost the biggest of all games at Oklahoma. In other words, he may be great, but he isn't the greatest. For me, I'm witholding judgment about Bo. He needs a few more years within the college game to really prove himself (for good or ill) to me. The same goes for Bill Callahan. But feel free to disagree.


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