Chief Casady takes a look at pumpkin-related crime in Lincoln. The most surprising finding? Pumpkin crime is highest in south and east Lincoln. Whodathunkit?
The easiest way to guard your gourds is to keep them indoors at night. But that can get annoying. I wonder if there's a good way to boobytrap pumpkins with mouse traps. Or maybe you could toss in one of those exploding dye packs they use at banks. Hmm, if I had the time and the inclination I think I could come up with all sorts of devious anti-pumpkin thief contraptions. Too bad I have to, like, get work done.
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if you want to carve your pumpkins early, have no fear of shrinkage or wrinkles… all you have to do (once your gourd shows signs of aging); fill your bathtub halfway w/ water and float the pumpkins jack-o-lantern side down overnight. the shrinkage/wrinkles are caused from dehydration. i used to carve my pumpkins weeks before halloween; keeping them hydrated will make them last through halloween. this is especially good if your like me and carve your pumpkin w/ a dremmel so you can make artsy-fartsy designs on them :D
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