This weekend was the sort of weekend that makes me glad to get back to work. Maybe now I can rest a bit.
Actually, it was a great weekend. The In-Laws came to town on Friday afternoon. On Saturday we had an open house to celebrate Robbie's adoption finalization. We had a great turnout. In fact, we probably invited just the right number of people; the house was full, but not crowded. Robbie, of course, was the star of the show, and he managed to make it through the entire event without getting fussy. But boy did he take a heck of a nap the second it was over.
Sunday was a quieter day, but it began as all Sundays do with a 7:00am trip to Panera to meet my family. That really ought to be too early, but Robbie's up by then, and it makes a good father-son outing while The Missus goes to the Y.
The rest of Sunday was full but subdued. We had dinner at my parents' house to celebrate my sister's birthday. Meatloaf, mashed potatoes with meatloaf gravy, green bean casserole, and other goodies. Almost all of my favorite comfort foods were there.
As if I hadn't had enough activity for the weekend, last night at 8:30 I decided to go for a run. High school soccer season is coming up, and I need to get into shape. Plus, I have really put on some weight this winter. As in: I weigh more than I ever have before. I guess I can't rely on my ol' metabolism any more to take care of these things for me. I'm not nearly as sore today as I probably should be -- especially considering how many times I nearly killed myself on icy patches -- but I have a long ways to go before I'm in good reffing shape. I need to knock off about 15 pounds before the state tournament. Think this food-lover can do it?
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