NSAA, NCA, Hall of Fame Geting New Digs

By: Mr. Wilson on March 9, 2006
The Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA), Nebraska Coaches Association (NCA), and Nebraska High School Sports Hall of Fame are getting a new home north of Haymarket Park. The $3.5 - $4 million project will be funded in part by raising entrance fees to NSAA-sponsored championship events by $1.00. The new NSAA and NCA offices don't interest me all that much, but I think giving the Nebraska High School Sports Hall of Fame a permanent home so close to Memorial Stadium and Haymarket Park is wonderful. Plus, the project's location near I-180 on what is now an empty field will make for a more welcoming entrance to Downtown. Lincoln easily could have lost this facility to other cities. It's great to hear that not only are these groups staying in Lincoln, they're making a substantial investment into the community, too. [Disclosure: I officiate soccer for the NSAA and NSAA-affiliated schools.]


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

March 10, 2006 at 1:29AM

I agree.  It’s very good to see the Hall of Fame in Lincoln.  And I don’t think this would have got done if the NSAA and NCA wouldn’t have been included in the building.

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