Not-So-Fine Feathered Friends

By: Mr. Wilson on April 9, 2012
Apparently all those "feather signs" you've been seeing around town are illegal. They're illegal because they aren't permanent, and they are "animated". image I'm not sure how any of that is a problem. Lincoln is positively filled with impermanent advertisements and decorations, many of which are "animated" in one form or another. It's of course possible for such ads to be dangerous or inappropriate in one way or another, but I can't for the life of me figure out how those negative qualities might be relevant to feather signs. Perhaps they have a habit of unexpectedly tickling passers-by. For those of you who want to do further research, check out the Lincoln Sign Code [PDF] and zoning regulations for signs [PDF]. Unfortunately documents like these don't include the reasons behind the restrictions they describe. As a result, we are left to think many of them are silly until somebody convinces us otherwise. For example, I can't for the life of me figure out why feather signs are worse than, say, a giant inflatable gorilla or even the standard fluttering colorful triangle flags on a string. Who's got a good argument against these things?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

April 9, 2012 at 12:31PM

I have nothing against them, but 6 in a row like your sample above is a little much for my liking.

You’ll see in 27 days that the Lincoln Track Club uses these to denote miles during the marathon, too.

April 9, 2012 at 3:05PM

I have more thoughts. I read the whole article, and all I can say is that I am glad things are going so well for the City of Lincoln - no budget issues, no road problems, no sales tax collection issues, etc. - that we can now get to the important business at hand, such as what to do with the feather signs.

This is the same city council that hasn’t been able - for MONTHS - to come up with any ideas or solutions about what to do about food trucks.

I had to run errands today. I found one place that had 3 such flags, and another with 5. Neither bothered me at all. One was a church. Down the same road, there is some new construction happening, and there are signs in the ground hyping who the bank is that provided the funding, who the contractor is, what’s coming soon, etc. These are much more of an eyesore that the feather signs.

And just so I can fully grasp this - it’s not my imagination, we are in a budget shortfall, aren’t we? So the city could use some tax dollars, couldn’t it?

Therefore… let’s tell the sign companies that pay taxes here that they cannot sell these signs. Then people buy them anyway, on the internet. We have more signs, and less revenue.

Now we are going to spend tax dollars to enforce a silly ordinance. Why would a business use these signs? To generate more business, i.e. more revenue - and produce more sales tax. So by making a stink about this, in 2 minutes, I’ve easily pointed out 3 ways we are bringing in less revenue and increasing our expenses for a problem that I don’t think really exists.

I have never, ever heard anyone, or overheard anyone, complaining about these signs. I can’t recall seeing one placed in a way that blocked my view of traffic and made driving a hazard.

I simply don’t get it.

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