Noisy Summer Nights

By: Mr. Wilson on August 22, 2006
I took Robbie and Daisy for a walk around the neighborhood tonight. The walk itself wasn't all that eventful, except that at times there was such a racket I could hardly hear myself think. But the noise wasn't from traffic, or a bad garage band, or anything like that. Nope, it was from a combination of tree after tree filled with hundreds of birds, along with a chorus of cicadas in the background. I used to hate that sound. It signaled summer's waning days, and in my memories I associate the sound with having to go to bed early, while it was still partially light out, because I had to go to school the next day. I would lie there in bed unable to sleep, with that sound pounding on my ears. Those were good days. Tonight I dusted off dozens of happy flashbacks. And while Robbie looked around in sheer awe at the size of the world around him, I wondered: what sorts of fond memories will he have of beautiful summer days like this? I'm eager to make some of those memories with him.


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