Needed: One Awesome Babysitter

By: Mr. Wilson on July 24, 2007
The Missus and I need a babysitter to watch Robbie some weekday afternoons and early evenings. The typical times will range between 3:00pm and 8:30pm, but rarely do we need somebody for that entire time. (Usually just a couple hours.) Our schedules are a little weird, so we need somebody who is pretty flexible. We prefer either somebody within a few miles of 48th and Highway 2, or somebody who can come to our place. We prefer somebody who we can count on for at least several months. And if you can only do one day a week, that's fine. We aren't opposed to working with more than one person; in fact, that's what we're doing now. If you are such a person, or if you know of such a person, and you would like more information, please drop me an e-mail.


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