My Vote

By: Mr. Wilson on February 14, 2006
Many of you are probably wondering how I'm going to vote on the school bond issue today. To be honest, until fairly recently I wondered how I would vote today. I've got my vote figured out now, though. I'm voting yes. Frankly, neither the proponents nor the opponents have made especially compelling cases for or against this bond issue. The argument favored by the proponents boils down to "schools are good!" Peter Katt and company, on the other hand, like to complain that LPS buys bricks that are too fancy. That those are the best arguments the two sides can offer is pretty sad. If I were feeling sarcastic I might even joke that obviously Lincoln's public schools are doing a crummy job if the citizens it produces can't come up with any better ammunition than that for such an important debate. Normally such uncertainty would lead me to vote no. My position is that the burden of proof lies on those who want to take something away from me (whether it be money, rights, or whatever). In this case that responsibility falls to the bond proponents. They have failed to satisfy that burden. Therefore, I should vote no. So why am I voting yes? I am voting yes because I believe that the case for this bond issue is inherent in the state of Lincoln's public schools. That its proponents can't make that case clear does not distract me from the overall strength of the case. The stated goals of the bond issue are sufficiently modest and necessary to win my support. Granted, $250 million doesn't sound modest at first. It shouldn't; a quarter-billion dollars should always sound like a lot of money. But for a growing community with aging schools and a pressing demand for new and modified space, it's an investment worth making, and it's an investment worth making today. I will vote around 5:15 p.m. today on my way home from work. If you want to negate my yes vote, you'd better get your buns to the polls.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

February 14, 2006 at 5:46PM

I honestly don’t see why anyone would ever vote no for a school bond issue.  Especially this one, where our taxes aren’t going up.  But only if the bond was way to over priced and taxes went up, could I see voting down a bond issue.  People voted to give money to make our schools, we should do the same for the next generation.

Mr. Wilson
February 14, 2006 at 6:11PM

<em>I honestly don

February 14, 2006 at 7:01PM

Of course it’s not being paid with free money, I’m not dumb enough to think that it is.  But in the now, where most people look (including myself), taxes won’t go up and I think that’s what people want to see.

As for the air conditioning argument, that’s just stupid.  To bad AC wasn’t invented when they were going to school. 

All I’m saying is that how can you vote no on a school bond issue?  It’s saying that you don’t support the growth of the community and schools.  The only section of the population I could see voting no is the elderly whith no kids or grandkids living in the area.  And even then, if they had family go through the school system and they voted yes then and no now…that’s being very selfish.  What makes this generation less deserving of up-to date schools?

February 15, 2006 at 2:19AM

I voted yes…then again what difference does it make for me, I don’t see myself ever paying for it considering I don’t live in Lincoln. Unless they raise sales tax in the city…

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