My Professor in the News

By: Mr. Wilson on July 26, 2005
It's always good to see UNL faculty research featured in the national media, but it's even more exciting when one of the featured individuals is somebody you worked with. In this case, Professor John Hibbing is helping to stir up debate by publishing research that suggests that political behavior is linked to genetics, and that political behavior and party identification do not correlate nearly as well as most people assume. It is interesting to watch Professor Hibbing's research evolve. I first worked with him shortly after Congress as Public Enemy: Public Attitudes Toward American Political Institutions came out. That was followed by Stealth Democracy: Americans' Beliefs about How Government Should Work -- a book for which I prepared the index, and I even caught a couple (minor) typos shortly before it went to press. Professor Hibbing is a great guy, he's very intelligent, and he is a lot of fun to work with. I look forward to seeing where his research takes him.


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