My Prediction Looms

By: Mr. Wilson on February 1, 2008
A few years ago, I made the prediction that $3.50 was the magic number required to get American drivers to change their driving habits. We just might get there this year. Will my prediction hold true? I don't think so. For one thing, too much time has passed and my prediction hasn't been adjusted to account for changes in the interim. More importantly, $3 gas just isn't all that scary any more. Three bucks, three fifty ... what's the difference? I suspect the magic number is well above four bucks now. By the way, over the past couple weeks gas prices in Lincoln have run about $0.15 higher in Lincoln than in Omaha. Not that I blame the gas stations; I think they should charge as much as people are willing to pay. I just think it's interesting.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

February 1, 2008 at 3:15PM

I’m beginning to wonder what that magic number is too.  Used to be $3, now we say $4.  I also get tired of the “I have no choice” argument.  Guess what, I made a choice of living close to my job and riding my bicycle to work everyday (and most errands.)  We can all choose where we work, live, and play.  Don’t give me that.

Dave K
February 1, 2008 at 3:26PM

These predictions always seem to coincide with oil company profit reports.  Strange…

February 1, 2008 at 3:58PM

I agree with Allen. People do have a choice, they’ve just often made ones that aren’t working out so well now. Giant SUVs that never leave the pavement and homes far away from work are all choices people have made. Part of me hopes prices continue to rise so that people start making better decisions on where to live and what to drive. It will be very interesting to see what the magic number ends up being. I’d say $4 minimum, if not closer to $5.

February 1, 2008 at 4:50PM

I would take the bus to work every day if it only ran 10 minutes earlier. As it is, my son can’t get to school on time with the current schedule, so we drive. What a waste.

Selling our house to move closer to work doesn’t help because we would take a loss on the house to sell it right now. Maybe in a few years, but not now.

February 1, 2008 at 5:18PM

Maybe it would help if Lincoln had some kind of usable public transportation.  I would happily ride a bus to work but it would take me hours where as driving takes me 15 minutes.  I like to see my family.  I do regret to say that I drive a full size truck.  I bought it when gas was a dollar a gallon.  But I pretty much only use it to get to work and back other wise we use our car to go every where else.  If I was buying a car now there is no way I would buy a truck or any kind of SUV.

February 1, 2008 at 6:48PM

There used to be a calculator on the Startran website that helped you determine whether it was cheaper to drive or to take the bus. It was and still is cheaper for me to drive, and I drive a mid size Dodge Dakota. Just like Duffman, I usually only drive it to work and then I use it to haul band gear once in a while so gas isn’t really a big deal. I think I use around a quarter of a tank every two weeks in that truck. The rest of my driving is done on my wife’s little compact.

In other larger cities people live far away from their jobs in suburbs because they can’t afford housing next door to their jobs in major cities. I’m sure they’d rather not drive 45 minutes to and from their job every day. It’s not about moving to ritzy suburbs for those people, it’s about moving to a place they can AFFORD.

Also, is there a way to transport your child to daycare on your bicycle? I’m sure people could use one those pull-behind child seats, and that would be totally awesome in the rain, snow, and cold. Daycare also screws most people out of riding the bus because most daycares close at 5:30 and someone getting off at 5:00 is probably still on the bus at that time. And then they pick up the kid at daycare and walk home because the bus has stopped running at that point. I suppose more parents could stay at home with their child, but living expenses curtail that. Single parents don’t have that option either. 

I’m all for changing your lifestyle to something cheaper and simpler but for some people there are very different circumstances.

February 1, 2008 at 7:35PM

Additionally to my comment.  The problem in my eyes is the more well off folks who drive their Hummers and Expeditions every where because they want people to know they have money.  every time I see a Hummer i want to flip that person the bird!!!!

Dave K
February 1, 2008 at 8:44PM

People with money don’t buy Hummers and Expeditions. They buy Lexuses, Benzes, Jaguars, etc.  People who want you to think they have money but don’t buy Hummers.

February 2, 2008 at 4:44PM

I think if a few people used an alternative here and there, it would be a great start!  People are afraid to get out of their comfort zone.

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