My New Favorite Running Route

By: Mr. Wilson on June 30, 2008
I think I have a new favorite running route. It's a nice five mile loop that begins on bike trails and ends on quiet residential streets. image I begin at 48th and Highway 2, though it would be easy to begin anywhere on the loop. If you don't live on or near the loop, the parking lot at 40th and Highway 2 makes a good starting point. From 48th and Highway 2, I head west on the newly-christened Boosalis Trail toward Shopko. Then I catch the northbound Rock Island Trail, which features several shaded areas, depending on the time of day. I go under Sheridan Boulevard and continue about a quarter mile until I reach Van Dorn Street. (Note that Van Dorn doesn't actually cross the trail.) I take a right across the park to 33rd, then turn south. I head back to Sheridan, where I turn east. I follow Sheridan until it meets Calvert Street, hop on Calvert for a half block, and then turn south on 44th Street. 44th Street appears to end at Prescott, but I continue south by taking the sidewalk between the houses. Once I hit Pioneers Boulevard I take either 44th, 45th, 46th, or 47th Street, depending on my mood. Whatever the case, I continue until I hit Gertie, zigzag down to Claire, and pop out on 48th. And boom, I've just gone approximately 5.25 miles. I like this route because it's one big loop, so there is no repeated scenery; there are very few traffic interruptions; and there is plenty of shade at various points throughout the run. There are also a couple easy alterations for shorter mileage:
  • From the Rock Island Trail, turn east on Calvert Street. Follow Calvert to 44th Street, then continue as above. This route is about 4.5 miles.
  • From the Boosalis Trail, turn north on 33rd Street. Turn east on Calvert and continue to 44th Street, as above. This route is about 3.9 miles.
There's also this lasso: image It's not usually one of my favorite routes, but since it stays primarily on good bike trails it works out well for for intervals and fartleks. What are some of your favorite running routes of various distances around town? Edited to add: If you don't already use it, check out Gmaps Pedometer. It's great for mapping out routes and measuring mileage.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
June 30, 2008 at 2:43PM

I only run in town if I absolutely have to, but I avoid it as much as I can. I hate running on sidewalks for the impact, and where I live in the Near South is so dense that you are constantly having to be hyper aware of cars, kids, dogs, bikers, and so on.

I usually head on down to Wilderness Park where I have my choice of jumping on the Jamaica or Salt Creek trails which are both crushed rock. The other option is the Bison trail but that is pavement. Sometimes I pass through Beer Orkid’s neighborhood and jump on the Salt Creek and take that north past Haymarket Park and then back again. It sucks that these trails don’t loop though, because then I have to repeat the scenery.

June 30, 2008 at 5:19PM

That looks like a good route.

When I lived by the capitol, I would usually just run meandering routes that ended up near 20th and Van Dorn, and then I’d just wind my way back. There were so many cool houses and neighborhoods within that giant rectangle that it was always interesting.

June 30, 2008 at 8:36PM

Cool route. I use a site called which accomplishes the same thing.

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