What an exciting lunch!
Right after I ordered at Oso, the owner, Nader Sepahpur, came in and began speaking with his employees behind the counter. He asked if they knew anything about the suitcase sitting outside, how long it had been there, etc. In a rather "do I really have to do this?" sort of tone, he said something to the effect of "I suppose I should call the police." Sure enough, police officers and fire fighters soon began blocking off the area with their vehicles and caution tape.
Unfortunately, that also included blocking the entrance to most every business on the south side of O Street between 14th and Centennial Mall. We had to use the back fire door to get out of Oso. When we did we saw that there was a large burgundy suitcase sitting on the sidewalk not far from the now closed board sports store (a half building west of Oso). As we left, the bomb squad was prepping their nifty suicide robot to investigate the suitcase and, I assume, to blow it up if necessary.
There were several camera crews on scene, so I'm sure more details will be made available on the news tonight, and in the Journal Star tomorrow. It'll be interesting to hear what sorts of exciting things were inside.
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