Lincoln's Capital Humane Society is moving to a new facility at 70th and Highway 2. That's a significantly higher profile location than their current digs on Park Boulevard. And that's the point, of course. Although building just outside Home Depot's front door isn't cheap, it will help CHS improve their visibility and thus further their mission.
And by the way, Buddy here would really like to go home with you.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I found this follow up story perplexing.
They own the land, but apparently do not have the $2.9 million to build the structure, and unless we donate the money, it’s not going to happen.
Speaking of this parcel of land, I find a lot perplexing. For starters, I would love to see the Humane Society build there.
When Home Depot first wanted to put their store at that location, the city put up some resistance to it if I remember correctly. I want to say there was a female developer (that could be wrong - it’s been a while) and that they came up with a plan for an entire strip center that would be anchored by Home Depot. That was the only way it gained favor with the neighbors, and the approval to be built.
Now maybe a decade later (give or take), there’s still never been anything else done there other than a couple of out buildings (a bank, The Still, and a car wash that’s been there for almost as long as Home Depot). What ever happened to the rest of the plan?
Anyone else recall all this?
That’s not uncommon, Stacy. Organizations all the time announce plans that require certain criteria to be met before they can happen. Same with developers: how many times have we heard about big plans for the parking lot just south of the Gold’s building?
The plans are announced in part to drum up interest. If the Humane Society simply said “Give us money and ... uhh ... we’ll do something neat with it” their task would be much more difficult.
I always guessed—and it was only a guess—that the developments to the east (Walmart) and west (Lowes) took all the steam out of any plans at 70th and Highway 2. I figure it’ll catch up someday.
Or maybe it’ll be like Williamsburg and two decades later still be but a shell of its full potential.
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