Music to My Ears

By: Mr. Wilson on May 28, 2010
Speaking of summer beginning, the Friday Nights Live [PDF] concert series at Southpointe begins tonight. You can bet your biscuits we'll be there tonight, and most every Friday night throughout the summer. We've been going to FNL since Robbie was an infant. There's no good reason to stop now. Come say hi if you're out there. We usually hang out in the vicinity of Pier One. And don't forget that Jazz in June starts on Tuesday. The Darryl White Group kicks off this year's five-week season.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

May 28, 2010 at 2:16PM

The Stransky Park Concert Series also began this week: Free outdoor concerts from 7 to 9pm, every Thursday through August 12 (which is when my hubby and I will perform with Floating Opera - don’t miss it). The park (S 17th St and Harrison Ave) is a beautiful place for concerts, with plenty of grass for blankets and chairs, and a playground for the children.

Mr. Wilson
May 28, 2010 at 2:59PM

Thanks Sarah. I didn’t realize they started before Memorial Day.

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