Mr. Wilson is Dead

By: Mr. Wilson on February 4, 2005
Well, he feels that way, anyway. He's close enough to death that he is referring to himself in the third person, so his illness must be serious. It's probably Ebola. [Update: 8:09PM] My temperature is 101.0. I haven't had a temperature that high in years. I have quite a ways to break my record, though. It was something like 106 or 107. Yeah, I was prone to high fevers as a kid. [/update]


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
February 5, 2005 at 2:08AM

Dude 101 is pretty high for an adult. Should I send flowers soon?

Mr. Wilson
February 5, 2005 at 6:22AM

No flowers necessary. I’m back down to a more reasonable 98.1. That’s still a little high for me—normal for me is around 97—but I no longer feel like death. In fact, I probably feel better right now than I have all week. Once my nighttime Tylenol Cold kicks in, I’ll be sleeping like a baby.

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