Move On Down the Road

By: Mr. Wilson on February 3, 2011
I took the family out to Cristina's last night. Regular readers know that Cristina's, located in Crete along Highway 33 in the old Wanek's building, is one of my favorite restaurants. It's a family-run Mexican restaurant with green chile unlike anything you can get anywhere else around here. And their stuffed empanadas ... wow. We make the journey to Cristina's every couple months or so, and once or twice a year I bug them about adding a Lincoln location. Typically their answer has been along the lines of "No no, we're doing just fine right here". Until last night. Last night after I asked the question there was a pause. She waited to think of a diplomatic answer. Finally she said "A good location is hard to find. Rent is much higher in Lincoln...", before she allowed her words to fade out. I nearly wet myself with excitement. It sounds like it's possible that Cristina's could make its way to Lincoln. That bit of hope will keep me giddy for a while. As for a location, you know the first place I thought of? The former Paul's location near 48th and Pioneers. The fact that it's less than a mile up the road from me doesn't hurt, but it's really not a bad spot for a restaurant like Cristina's. I wonder how much they're asking for rent...


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