Mosquitos Can Suck It

By: Mr. Wilson on July 30, 2010
West Nile is back for the season, with the first cases now being reported by HHS. I'm no mosquito expert, but it sure seems like I've been getting bit much more often this year. I'll unscientifically blame that on all the rain we've received over the past month or two. Remember that you can help the state track West Nile by reporting any dead birds you find. In Lancaster County you should call 441-8000. UPDATE: It's official. West Nile is in Lancaster Count.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 30, 2010 at 5:02PM

West Nile’s not so bad. The government gave me money for my unclean blood!

August 6, 2010 at 3:11PM

hahaha…Love the title. Thanks for the laugh

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