Moments of Discovery in the Town I Know

By: Mr. Wilson on March 7, 2011
I experienced a weird moment of discovery on Saturday. I was walking through the alley near the Historical Society and NuVibe downtown. Amidst the cracked concrete and Dumpsters was, to my great surprise, a business. It was a place called Voda and nowhere did it say on its exterior what kind of business it was. It was closed so I couldn't go in. Odd. When I got home I looked up Voda online and I discovered that it is (was?) apparently Iguana's for grown-ups. It therefore wasn't a huge surprise that I wasn't familiar with it; I don't really keep tabs on Lincoln's bar scene. Still, it's not often that a place can exist in Lincoln for years and I haven't at least heard of it. Have you had any similar moments in your travels around Lincoln, where you discover something that had been there for a while but you had no idea?


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March 7, 2011 at 5:28PM

Voda is basically an alternate entrance to Iguana’s. I’m always surprised by the small commercial buildings or areas in neighborhoods. Like where Golden Shear barber shop is on 25th & Sumner or that little accountant place on about 18th and Sewell.

Mr. Wilson
March 7, 2011 at 6:11PM

Funny you should mention Golden Shear. That’s the first barber shop I remember getting a haircut in. I still remember the Christmas decorations they used to hang every year (and for all I know, still do). And the spinning red and white barber pole. I also have a vague memory that they had cool toys to play with while you waited, but I can’t for the life of me remember what they were.

March 7, 2011 at 11:19PM

I always just end up referring to Voda as Iguana’s because I enter through Iguana’s to get there.

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