Meatloaf (the Meal, Not the Fat Guy)

By: Mr. Wilson on November 30, 2005
Where's the best place in town to get good meatloaf? Bob's Gridiron Grill had pretty decent meatloaf when it first opened, but the quality dropped over time, and Bob's is closed now anyway. Eighth Street Iron Works had awesome meatloaf, but it's gone, too. That leaves me with just Granite City and my mom's kitchen on my list of places to get a decent meatloaf. Of any place in town I would bet that Stauffer's might have good meatloaf, but I haven't been there yet, so I can't say for sure. Any suggestions?


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December 1, 2005 at 5:31PM

I can’t recommend a Lincoln restaurant for meatloaf.

The best meatloaf I’ve ever had anywhere, bar none, is at Johnny’s Italian Steakhouse in the Village Point Mall in Omaha (168th and Dodge).

It had some ricotta cheese in it and it was superb.  I’ve read recipes that suggest a trio of meats including ground beef, pork and veal.  Just the other night I read that you could suffice with an 80:20 ratio of half ground sirlion and half ground beef.

Eric Larson
December 18, 2005 at 5:29AM

I was always a fan of Lazlo’s stout loaf. Sadly it was taken off the menu 3 or 4 years ago.

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