Mayoral Candidate Chris Beutler plans to end his consulting contract with the city prior to next year's election. Beutler is currently paid $62,000 annually for 1,250 hours of work as a fund raiser for Parks & Rec. Expect that contract to get a little attention from his opponents as "excessive".
Another candidate, Ken Svoboda, has a $24,000 contract to maintain medians around the city. Svoboda will end that contract as well. Cynical Lincolnites are probably saying: the medians are so poorly maintained, we won't be able to tell the difference!
In other Mayor's race news, candidate Mike Deal announced his candidacy in the forums. Mr. Deal appears to be a fiscal conservative interested in finding solutions to Lincoln's money problems.
And as long as I'm mentioning all the candidates, don't forget about Roger Yant.
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