Mayoral Campaigning Has Begun

By: Mr. Wilson on June 26, 2006
Now that Mayor Seng's budget proposal is on the table, the predictable is happening: it is being used as a tool for hopefuls in next year's Mayor's race. The signs are relatively subtle at this point, but they are unmissable. For example, Mayor Seng warned against "the personal ambitions of some" getting in the way of approving her budget. "Some", of course, are her potential opponents, including Councilmen Jon Camp and Ken Svoboda. Camp is playing the consistency card (always a classic), while Svoboda made a bit of a misstep by backtracking on earlier comments about his willingness to use the new cash made available by the recent property valuation update. It's never too early for a war of words in the world of politics. Question is, will anybody actually propose anything of substance and quality?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

June 27, 2006 at 7:22PM

So far, none of them has boldly gone where I expected someone to go: Rolling back the levy rate since valuations were increased.

Seng should be careful when she’s throwing around language like “personal ambitions.”  If she claims she did not increase property taxes, she will be wrong.  By not rolling back the levy in conjunction with the increased valuations, she is indeed raising property taxes.

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