Match Game

By: Mr. Wilson on October 1, 2009
Could the City Council finally be getting ready to do something about the mega-generous 2-to-1 retirement match for City employees? After their discussionless disapproval of the M Class Employees' contract it sure appears that way. That's great news, but it's a bit of a dirty move to spring the news on a single union so late in the contract negotiations game. Honesty and forthrightness anyone? No?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 1, 2009 at 3:01PM

This council has begun to disappoint me at nearly every turn - regardless of their party affiliation, for the record.

This match needs to be brought down to a reasonable level, for all new hires moving forward and anything that can be done moving forward.

I’m not sure that it should affect current employees, but for all new employees and dollars going aside for them, it’s a no-brainer to reduce it.

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