I noticed late last week that Kopeli and Wasabi were both tagged in an overnight graffiti spree. I wonder if Wasabi gets to ignore the graffiti ordinance since the building won't be around much longer anyway.
Speaking of Wasabi, it's still open, but not for long. Go soon if you're going to go.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
I saw a sign in the windows of the structure on the south west corner of 10th and N saying Wasabi coming soon summer 2007.
Really? Interesting location selection. I’m trying to picture the building ... is that the spot that used to house an outdoor sports store? (I’m blanking on the name of that business…)
I think you are thinking of now defunct outek on the north west side.
It looks like a gas station or something. Lots of windows, white, and the only structure. It is the building on the top of a two level parking structure.
I took pictures of it yesterday, but they are still on my camera at home.
North, south ... what’s the difference? 😊
Actually, I think my internal compass is all screwed up because I had to give directions to two Omahans yesterday, and they BOTH kept getting north and south backwards (but they had east and west correct ... most of the time).
new wasabi location pic
darn sun and moving car so it did not come out too good 😉
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