Lungs Afire

By: Mr. Wilson on December 8, 2010
So apparently bronchitis is going to be an annual tradition for me. I went through a nasty bout of it last October to kick things off. That round lasted about three weeks in total, it ruined a month's worth of soccer reffing, and I even threw out my back thanks to my coughing. This year my bronchitis symptoms began yesterday (with other symptoms starting Saturday). I wonder what this year's edition has in store! Ugh. Enough about me. How are you all doing? Families healthy? Jobs going well? Getting all packed up for a nice vacation?


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December 8, 2010 at 3:00PM

I used to have the exact same problem. Then I ended up with a nasty case of pneumonia around Thanksgiving one year. They gave me two choices: Stay in bed for a week, or they’d check me into the hospital. Uh, pass the pillows and remote, please.

That lasted for a long time, followed by another bout of pneumonia in March (maybe I never got over the first one).

Strange thing is, I don’t think I’ve had bronchitis since then. However, now if I get as much as a sniffle, there’s a huge chance I will end up with a sinus infection. Thus, nasty sinus infections are my annual gift rather than bronchitis. Go figure. I have no idea why it changed.

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