LPS’s Big Gift

By: Mr. Wilson on February 14, 2008
Thanks to a $1 million gift from Ed and Mary Copple, LPS will build a new "student-athletic development center" at Seacrest Field. The new center will supplement the existing cinderblock building on the north end of the field. This is good news for LPS's (student-)athletes, and I certainly don't want to imply that the Copples' gift isn't fantastic. It is. But I can't help but feel like it would be pretty darn cool to hear that LPS (er, the LPS Foundation) is generating some nice headway toward building Seacrest 2. I wonder how much of a dent $1 million would make toward supporting a new multi-purpose district-wide athletic facility? Then again, "Copple Student-Athlete Center" has a better ring to it than "Copple Field". The latter is a tad too close to "cop a feel", which is probably not the sort of message LPS wants to associate with any of its facilities.


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