Lone Star

By: Mr. Wilson on January 20, 2006
Check out Jeff Korbelik's latest Ground Zero restaurant overview. (I can't honestly call Korbelik's articles "reviews" since his articles are more advertisements than reviews.) The article includes phrases like "boy, were we glad we stopped in", "most flavorful steaks", "tender", "thoroughly enjoyed", and so on. Those phrases, in and of themselves, are not unusual or shocking. That is, until you know which restaurant he's talking about: Lone Star Steakhouse. I don't know about you, but those are the first positive words I've heard about Lone Star in years. That's no exaggeration. I specifically recall the last two times I went to Lone Star. It was awful. The service was horrid, the restaurant was dirty, and the steaks -- well, let me just say that I've had better meat at Burger King. And among my family and friends my experiences with Lone Star are not unusual. In fact, Lone Star is synonymous with "horrible restaurant" for several of my family and friends. So what happened? Are Jeff Korbelik's standards that low? Or has Lone Star finally improved to the point where my Pavlovian response to hearing the name should be gleeful drooling rather than nauseous wretching? If the latter, I want to know. I can't believe that a restaurant could possibly rescue itself from such shocking levels of suckitude, but if it has, I must experience it for myself.


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