Local Philanthropy

By: Mr. Wilson on April 5, 2006
When I first saw the story that three of Lincoln's lottery winners donated some of their winnings to folks at the People's City Mission ($2,000 from each of the winners), the first thing I thought was, "Gee, how long until the 'Is that all?!' crowd shows up?" Sure enough, the second comment on the Journal Star's website didn't disappoint:
I think there [sic] pretty pathetic they have millions of dollars and they each give out 2 grand.
*sigh* So predictable. First it was all "Congratulations!" and "Good for them!" and "Way to go, blue collar people!". Now it's "How dare they spend their money that way!". It's a shame the winners have to hear that since not one among us has the moral authority to criticize them. For the record, the winners have already collectively given some $50 million to folks begging for handouts. I'd say that was pretty darn generous, and I thank them for it.


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