Local Dentists Report Fewer Chipped Teeth

By: Mr. Wilson on February 10, 2011
Mayor Beutler held a pat-on-the-back session yesterday to celebrate far fewer pothole complaints this year than last. Remember last year's road situation? Yeesh, what a disaster. I don't drive around the city all that much -- that's one of the perks and downfalls of working from home -- but in my limited drive time my experience more or less supports the notion that the pothole situation has improved. Except on 56th Street between Normal and A Street. Holy dang there were some big ones along that stretch the other day! Has your experience around the city backed up Beutler's claim that things are better this year? Or have folks just not been calling the pothole hotline (402-441-7646) with as much vigor in 2011? Oh by the way, the temps are supposed to be in the 40s and 50s over the next several days. I, for one, plan to celebrate by having a snowball fight while wearing swimming trunks.


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