Lincoln’s Top Online Yellow Pages Searches
By: Mr. Wilson on
January 5, 2007
- Restaurants (1)
- Apartments (60)
- Employment agencies (41)
- Tattooing (>130)
- Heating and Ventilating Contractors (54)
- Doctors offices and clinics (2)
- Insurance Brokers (12)
- Hotels (28)
- Hospitals (9)
- Movie Theaters (17)
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
The irrational, ungrounded assumptions you could make about this list are awesome! All the Chamber of Commerce/Visitor’s Bureau needs is a little spin…
FUN & SUN! Lincoln residents are more interested in finding an air conditioner than a doctor due to our xx days of sunny skies each year!
HOUSING: Finding an apartment in Lincoln is easy! Almost as easy as finding a restaurant!
FRIENDLY EMPLOYERS: Lincoln businesses respect hard work more than anything else. In fact, when most people find a new job in Linoln, the first thing they do is call a tattoo parlor!
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