Lincolniters Almanac

By: Mr. Wilson on October 2, 2006
What sort of winter will we have this year, o soothsayers of Lincoln? My crystal ball says we will have mild temperatures and above-normal precipitation. But like every great weatherman, I reserve the right to update my prediction whenever actual conditions prove me wrong.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 2, 2006 at 3:16PM

Mild at first, but come January Lincoln will be a frosted-over version of hell, as Nature casts her bitterly cold wrath o’er the land, as we all succumb to the bleak misery of the endless winter.

Or maybe yours sounds good.  I dunno.

October 2, 2006 at 7:06PM

foxspit can boldly predict, with no hesitate, that it will be a dry winter.


Because I bought a snow blower this weekend.

You’re welcome.

October 2, 2006 at 7:06PM

Er, I meant “no hesitation”

Mr. Wilson
October 2, 2006 at 7:18PM

Because I bought a snow blower this weekend.

You’re right, that’s pretty good insurance. But be sure to let us know if you forget to keep it gassed up. Nothing tempts Mother Nature like a freshly-washed car or a gas-less snow blower.

October 3, 2006 at 2:19PM

all I care is that we do not get much moisture.  I love those chilly rides through wilderness all bundled up with a bottle to nip on.  Moisture does not evaporate, ice stays right on the trail, frozen mud is scary.

bring on the cold, I got the gear, but iffin you gonna dump some water type product please make it minimal or follow up with some warmer weather to clear the trail.

Last year there was a good month where I did not make it to my “church”

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