Those of you who still read the dead tree edition of the Journal Star may have noticed something familiar about the front pages of the two
"Directions" sections in Sunday's newspaper. It was familiar enough to me that first thing Sunday morning I texted Mr. T a short message:
"You've been plagiarized!"
Well, no, he hadn't really been plagiarized. But he had been imitated in a very flattering way.

Mr. T's popular weekly Where in Lincoln series apparently inspired the front pages of the two sections. The LJS even kept the name, and they featured two of the same locations (
this one and
this one) that Mr. T has featured in past weeks.
Let me be clear: I'm not
actually accusing the LJS of plagiarism or stealing Mr. T's ideas or anything serious like that. I'm just having some fun at the LJS's expense. It's not like Mr. T was the first to take cryptic photographs of items and have people guess what they are. Personally, I think the theme is a great idea for the front of the Directions sections. However, if a local blogger were to take what has clearly become Mr. T's niche
and use the same name for it that Mr. T uses, and if he were to do so without so much as a tip of the hat to Mr. T, I think I would be justified in calling that blogger a turkey. So I'm going to do just that.
The Journal Star is a turkey.
There, I feel better already. On a more serious note, if the Journal Star really wants to get into the "Where in Lincoln" spirit they should hire Mr. T to do a weekly "Where in Lincoln" feature for the LJS itself. I think it would make a fun addition to their new 402/411 section. Any takers over there at the LJS?