Anybody out there from the LSE Class of '97? I just checked, and so far there are no plans for a 10-year reunion. That's just not acceptable. Didn't certain people volunteer before we graduated to get the ball rolling? Where are they?
It's getting darn close to being too late to start anything now (if it's not too late already), and I certainly don't have the time to lead the charge. But I will pony up some time and energy to help. Anybody else out there? Hello?
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
Don’t get too excited about a class reunion. I heard ‘96 had less than 100 and it was a bust.
True ... maybe I should just get in touch with some of my closer friends and arrange a less formal reunion. I got together with some ‘96’ers last year, and even though I couldn’t stay long (we had just got back in town with Robert), it was fun.
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