Like Clockwork

By: Mr. Wilson on April 9, 2007
Last night around 8:30pm The Missus was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper. She pointed to the front page and predicted, "Tomorrow's front page will be the annual Easter dinner at daVinci's." Oops, not quite. It was on page 1B this morning. So close. The article didn't mention how many people were served this year, but it did say that 400 pizzas and 400 pounds of pasta were prepared.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

April 9, 2007 at 1:58PM

Although this story is as predictable as the April 15 (16th this year) “people waiting until the last minute and driving their taxes to the downtown post office” story, I don’t have a huge problem with it. For DaVinci’s to offer up a great meal like this, for hundreds of people, year-in and year-out is worth the print in the LJS and the time on KLKN. It’s also a darn slow news day, anyway. Kudos to the Knudson family and DaVinci’s!

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