LES Wants More

By: Mr. Wilson on January 23, 2006
After years of promoting some of the most affordable electricity rates in the nation, LES is facing a bit of a public relations problem with its recent spate of rate and fee increases. Their proposed temporary solution, a so-called power cost adjustment, isn't going over very well with some of Lincoln's biggest power users (who happen, not coincidentally, to also be some of Lincoln's most important employers). I'm not sure what the solution to this problem is, but in general I tend to support the notion that those who use a greater share of scarce resources should pay more for the privilege. Knowing very little about who pays how much for electricity in Lincoln, I can't say whether Lincoln's biggest power consumers are paying their fair share, or whether they are paying more or less than their fair share. What I do know is that LES's reliance on volatile energy sources (natural gas) and unsustainable energy sources (coal) is one reason, of many, that LES is in this predicament. And it's not just LES; lots of power companies find themselves in these situations all the time. If I had my druthers we'd be using much cleaner, much more efficient, much cheaper electricity -- nuclear-generated electricity, to be precise. It ain't perfect, but if you spend a little time reading the wealth of information on nuclear power (pro and con), I think you'll agree that it's an option we should at least discuss seriously.


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