I went out to Fallbrook last night to attend a meeting at the YMCA. On my way there, I got suckered in by this false left turn lane:
OK, I get it. It's there in preparation for some future development. But wouldn't it make sense to block it off until there's something to turn left to? Maybe the City likes trapping unsuspecting drivers in turn lanes to nowhere. Sadistic punks.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
If you’re coming from the east to the intersection just below the photo above, you can’t make a left turn. The false left turn lane makes this possible.
Ahhh, so it’s a u-turn lane. They should really mark it that way. Or if it is marked that way, they should put big flashing lights on top of all the signs so people like me notice them 😊
All the roads inside Fallbrook are a nightmare maze. We go to the Y daily to work out and the first time out there was almost comical.
However, given the fact that the city obviously reads this blog and puts up signs where you want them (http://lincolnite.com/blog/entries/heres_your_sign/) :grin I’m sure it will be marked within a week!
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