Leaving So Soon?

By: Mr. Wilson on September 5, 2007
Dan Marvin wants DiAnna Schimek's seat in the Unicameral, so he plans to run for it in November 2008. If elected, his City Council seat would be vacated in January 2009, and the vacancy would be filled by ... the Council itself? How weird. Oftentimes committees replace their own members, but an elected body?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 5, 2007 at 2:18PM

that is my district.  Guess I will have to study up on this Marvin guy.

I got to help Dianna a few times in the chamber and her office.  She was a bit surprised when I told her she rocks.  Prob does not hear the whippersnapper lingo all that often.

September 5, 2007 at 6:56PM

She was my senator too, until we moved last summer. I liked her and it’s a shame she’s getting term-limited out. From what I’ve seen of Marvin, he would be a good replacement.

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