It's not the most inspiring way to leave office, but one of Mayor Seng's last acts as Mayor came yesterday when she reminded Lincolnites to conserve water this summer. Her timing could have been better -- issuing a water warning after a big chunk of the state received 3+ inches of rain is always tough -- but hey, resource conservation is always hip.
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And she is nothing if not hip! Congrats on your retirement, madam Mayor. We appreciate your years of service as mayor and councilperson. Good luck in the next stage of your life. Don’t let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out. Godspeed.
I don’t think its necessarily a bad reminder to make. So long as the western part of the state is still in a drought situation and the state is facing a million dollar law suit, it would be prudent to remind Lincolnites not to go overkill in water use to maintain their green lawns.
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