La Paloma is Coming Back to Town

By: Mr. Wilson on April 19, 2010
Moses dropped me an email to let me know that he noticed a sign on the former Braeda at 84th and Holdrege indicating that La Paloma would soon move in. La Paloma, for those of you who aren't familiar with it, was located in the Haymarket many years ago. More recently they opened a location on East O Street near Eagle. That makes the selection of 84th and Holdrege fairly unexpected. Will they close up the Eagle location, or do they think there's enough business on Lincoln's eastern edge to support two locations? Regardless, 84th and Holdrege is a nice, high-profile, high-traffic intersection. One which I just happen to drive by regularly on my way home from soccer games at Abbott Sports Complex and Omaha. I can already smell an upcoming post-match meal. Mmm. If you aren't familiar with La Paloma, read about my first experience.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

April 19, 2010 at 3:16PM

Love that place. Their chips and salsa and the best. I’m quite excited for this.

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