Kudos to UNL’s Admissions Staff

By: Mr. Wilson on February 14, 2008
Contrary to what the gripers in the article's comments say, UNL's number 6 "popularity" rating is something for the U to be proud of. The ranking is determined by dividing the number of students who enroll by the number who are admitted. In UNL's case, 66% of students who are invited to enroll actually do. In all fairness, there are some reasons for this that have little to do with the Admissions staff's efforts. For example, for many Nebraska students, UNL is not just any college, it is the college. Even with offers of admission from other colleges and universities around the country, lots of cornbred types don't look beyond the scarlet and cream. But there are lots of places where that mentality applies (though in most places it's more of a regional attitude rather than a statewide one). Let's face it, in the competition for college students, getting 2/3 of them to stay by your side is a pretty substantial success. UNL's Admissions office has made a plethora of innovations geared toward keeping students interested in UNL both before and after admissions letters go out. Good for them that their efforts are paying off.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

February 14, 2008 at 3:17PM


February 14, 2008 at 5:45PM

make up a study, a horribly designed study at that, and have the “results” say anything you want.

UNL is probably the most “popular” university in the state, probably ONE of the more “popular” in the region, but the most “popular” public university in the nation…PUH-LEASE!

Take off the scarlet & cream colored glasses.

February 14, 2008 at 6:17PM

Considering that they’re using actual admissions vs. enrollments, it’s not really a “fake” study. It’s one factor of MANY that is used to determine a school’s place on that magazine’s list.

I’m shouldn’t be surprised at the negativity in the comments, but I usually am. It’s not like we’re talking about snow removal or deputy fire chiefs. 😉

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