Know Sweat is Gettin’ Sweaty at 625 Elm Street

By: Mr. Wilson on June 30, 2011
A crew of workers is busy outside at 625 Elm Street building a fence and doing other yard work for us. Later they'll come inside and finish painting our living room, kitchen, hallway, and one bedroom. And all it cost us is some bottles of water and a couple dozen cookies. This is all thanks to the folks at Know Sweat, who are in town doing service projects for foster homes, People's City Mission, and Community Action Network. The group of teens at our home has been hard at work since Tuesday and the results are awesome. I had never been the sort to accept charity. It's not that I believed myself "too good" for it, it's just that I've always known there are oodles of others out there who need help and, well, my situation has always been manageable. But since becoming a foster parent I've realized that there are tons of people and organizations willing and able to help out, and it's OK to say yes to their offers of assistance. The end result is that not only have I received more help than ever before in my life, but I have also given more to charitable causes -- in money, goods, and volunteerism -- than ever before. My contributions are still admittedly small in the grand scheme of things, but improvement is improvement. Enough about me. Let's talk about the kids working at our place this week. Here they are in action: View the full album.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
July 1, 2011 at 1:02AM

Much kudos for those kids working today. How could you let them work in this heat?

Mr. Wilson
July 1, 2011 at 12:56PM

Because I’m a heartless SOB?

Mr. T
July 2, 2011 at 1:50PM

Your heart is black as coal Mr. Wilson. By the way nice use of depth of field there.

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