It annoys me when websites aren't accessible to persons using a variety of web browsers. As a web developer, I see the act of blocking "incompatible" browsers as lazy. As a Firefox user, I see it as a slap in the face.
Websites shouldn't worry about meeting every browser's needs, of course. Some browsers have such a small market share they aren't worth the time to support. And beyond a certain point it's too much hassle to support an antiquated browser. No web developer in his right mind still worries about Netscape 4, for example.
Recently an employee with a local media company picked on me for not doing a better job of linking to news anywhere other than the Journal Star. Yeah, that's true. I've gotten lazy about diversifying my sources. The original reason I didn't link to, for example, KOLN/KGIN (10/11) and KLKN is because their websites were a drag to use. 10/11's website is still a cluttered mess, but it works fine for me -- including video -- so I will try to do a better job linking to it.
In contrast, KLKN's website doesn't like Firefox, and in fact still recommends Internet Explorer 6 and Netscape 7.1. Yikes. That's not only bad advice, it's downright dangerous. So sorry, KLKN, you still won't be getting any links from here.
I should also do a better job of linking to local radio sites, such as KLIN and KFOR. Speaking of which, a quick message for local radio folks, if you're reading: Have you ever considered packaging your local news headlines into a daily podcast? It could be short -- 3 to 6 minutes, say -- but would give you another way to get your voices heard.
See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.
How about advice for KFOR and ESPN1480 and whatever else they own: Consider updating your sites once in a while.
Speaking of thinks that suck about KLKN (which pains me, because I am glad they are here in Lincoln due to decades of suckage at 10/11). Could you have worse looking graphics? Seriously. I was in North Platte, NE (North Platte!) where 90% of the station is employed by one family. I was amazed that their on-screen graphics kicked the crap out of both KLKN and 10/11.
As for 10/11 - I always wonder this. If you have TW Cable and check the Weather Channel for “local on the 8’s”, you’re hit over the head once every half-hour with commercials for 10/11 and their excellent weather guessers. Why do those local commercials have video that looks like it was shot with a 15-year old entry-level camera, and why does Brad Anderson’s (or whoever’s doing the forecase that day) voice sound like he’s phoning it in from the men’s room? Don’t we have better technology than that?
I could go on and on, but maybe I should just start a blog…
I don’t have a TV, and antenna reception into the TV tuner in my computer isn’t the best, so I don’t watch much. But if I ever need some cheap entertainment, I’ll turn on any 10/11 broadcast, or the weekend KLKN broadcasts. If you’re lucky enough, you’ll snag a “boom goes the dynamite” moment.
KLKN has a new weathercaster - Denice Pelster. I saw her first broadcast one weekday morning. She was VERY nervous, and stuttered and stammered her way through the forecast and when she was done, she let out a big “WHEW!!!”. I haven’t laughed that hard since I watched a student weather girl in Columbia, MO start crying during her broadcast.
Denice has since calmed down and does an OK job.
Does anyone know where Wes Callison went?
NET does a good job of putting out a daily podcast of local news stories. In this day and age, asynchronous information consumption is pretty much a necessity if you want to get your voice out. Lord knows I listen to more podcasts of radio shows and other production than actual music on my iPod.
Speaking of the local TV market…
I just wish Lincoln had one respectable local channel with a non-embarassing set, good graphics and a decent anchor or two. Seems like other cities our size do. I mean, I love the homespun, cornball factor you get with 10/11 and it’s what I grew up with. It’s so Nebraska. And Ken Schimek is at least somewhat entertaining due to the fact that he doesn’t take himself too seriously and he’s not afraid to poke a little fun at himself. I gotta give him props for sticking around for 20 years at one place… something that’s pretty rare these days, so it seems. Love ya, Ken.
But why is it that Lincoln can’t seem to land and keep a decent head anchor man/woman? Is Lincoln that small a market compared to Omaha (who has several decent talking heads). Any of the Omaha newscasts seem noticably better, to me, than any of the Lincoln newscasts. It’s hard to say what it is, but they just seem more professional. And the anchors are certainly easier on the eyes/ears. It pains me to no end to be force-fed John Vanderford, Rod Fowler (uuuugh!), Brad Anderson (double uuuugh!), David Jesperson, Kevin Kosgren, et al. At least the women evening anchors are watchable.
And what’s with this ever changing cast of fresh-outta-school meterologists? They’re a hoot, for sure… the first few times. Then it just gets old. Who was that girl 10/11 just fired? Oh my gawd. She stumbled through every single cue card. Brandon Rector reminds me of the Waldo character at the beginning of Van Halen’s “Hot For Teacher” video ( Did his Mom comb his hair like that? I feel sorry for the guy.
I guess I should shut up. I’m just glad I don’t have the whole city watching me at work critiquing my performance or photogenics.
Honestly, I switch back and forth between 8 and 10/11 regularly. True, John Vanderford and Serese Cole make for a more photogenic team, but 8 is dedicated only to Lincoln instead of GI and the wider viewing area, so I sometimes prefer tuning in to 8 for my Lincoln news.
I never watch local news, but I listen the heck out of podcasts. Move into the 21st Century and put up podcasts stations.
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