
By: Mr. Wilson on May 30, 2007
Whew, that was a long weekend! Here's a quick recap. On Friday afternoon The Missus and I took off for Kansas City for a wedding. That meant leaving Robbie and Daisy with grandma and grandpa for a couple nights. Would mom and dad survive? I was best man at the wedding so I had to be in KC for the rehearsal Friday evening. It was to be a pretty standard wedding, so the rehearsal went pretty smoothly. After that we went to the rehearsal dinner at KC Masterpiece. I have never seen so many people at a rehearsal dinner before. The bride has a very large family. That night I stayed up late to wait for a friend to arrive. Once he arrived we ended up talking with the groom until after 1:00 a.m. The next morning we took it easy. Around 1:00 p.m. I took the groom and a friend over to the church to prepare for an afternoon of photos. I'm not sure how many photos the photographers took, but I heard the number 2,000 at one point. The ceremony began at 5:00 and everything went just fine. Nobody fainted, nobody stepped on the bride's train, nobody yelled "I object!" midway through the ceremony, and I didn't lose the rings. Well, the groom did try to put the wrong ring on the bride's finger, but hardly anybody noticed. The reception followed, and it went smoothly as well. Even my best man speech went fine. The part before my speech went even better. I suppose I should explain. When I first got the microphone I congratulated the bride and groom, and then I asked for just a moment to take care of something. The groom panicked, thinking I was going to do something to him. Nope. Instead, I walked over to a good friend of ours -- I'll call him Mark* -- and asked him to stand up. He stood up eagerly, because he too thought I was pulling a prank on the groom. I introduced Mark to the crowd, and then told them that a couple years ago, Mark had asked for help in finding a woman. I admitted that I hadn't been doing a very good job helping him ... until then. (Cue change of Mark's facial expression from big grin to "Uhh, wait a second...") I mentioned some of Mark's good qualities, reminded the single ladies that there would be a dance in just a few minutes, and pointed out that Mark would love to dance with them. Then I went back and toasted the happy couple. After the reception wrapped up I stayed up late again, talking with Mark and a few of the bride's friends. Now, I don't want to take credit where credit isn't due, but I will point out something: Mark left the weekend with contact information for not one, but two very cool women. And he might be meeting up with one of them in San Antonio this weekend. On Sunday we drove back to Lincoln and reclaimed a very happy kid and dog. I mowed and began work on a new retaining wall. On Monday morning I reffed a single soccer game. It was one of my best performances in a while. I wasn't the only one who thought it went well: my dad had a hard time coming up with things I could have improved on; and the coach from Sedalia, Missouri, had very kind things to say about me even though his team lost and I sent off (red carded) one of his players. I really needed a performance like that after ending the high school season feeling pretty low. After the game I ate brunch with friends from Texas; took a short nap; trimmed a few branches; and installed a new mailbox post. And that was the weekend. * I'm not using Mark's real name at his request, due to, well, complicated reasons.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

May 30, 2007 at 7:52PM

nice of ya to hook your friend up by embarrassing him.  Chicks dig humility, or so I have heard.

May 31, 2007 at 4:23PM

Poor Mark! Someone has to fill me in on the after reception shenanagans (sp).

Just wanted to let you know that we have heard numerous wonderful comments about your and the Matron of Honor’s Speeches Saturday. I was honored to have you as a best man.

Thanks again for all your help for our wedding.

June 1, 2007 at 2:53PM

Shenanigans?  There were no shenanigans.  I’ll pistol whip the next one of you who says shenanigans. 

By the way, I hate Mr. Wilson!

Mr. Wilson
June 1, 2007 at 3:12PM

Liar. You love me and you know it.

By the way, how is San Antonio?

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