It’s Time for the Fourth Wilson

By: Mr. Wilson on May 7, 2009
It won't come as any surprise to most of you that The Wilsons are ready to expand our family. Robert is just about to turn three and we feel like the timing is right. As with Robbie, we will adopt our second child. So what does this have to do with you? Actually, I'm not just telling you about our plans for something to talk about. You may be able to help. You see, over the past several weeks we have been presented with a couple potential opportunities to adopt a child via "nontraditional" circumstances -- that is, not via an agency like we had planned. Neither opportunity went very far, but it made me realize something very important: whether we all know it or not, there are people among our acquaintances, friends, and family who want to consider or choose adoption, but they need help, or they want to place their child with a family they know and trust but they don't know anybody who is adopting other than those 1-800 numbers in the newspaper. After a recent out-of-the-blue situation with a "friend of a friend" I thought to myself, maybe we are focusing too far from home. One of the reasons The Missus and I elected not to adopt internationally is because there are oodles of kids here in the USA who need a family. Well, maybe our focus is still too broad; maybe our next child (or children) is somehow connected to you, or your friend, or your co-worker. I hope it doesn't sound like I am "shopping" for a kid. (Though sometimes the adoption process does feel like that.) Rather, I just want it to be known that we are a family looking for a child (or children) looking for a family. In all likelihood we will adopt our next child via traditional channels. But maybe not. If you or somebody you know wants to talk to us, use the e-mail address mrwilson at lincolnite dot com.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

West A Dad
May 7, 2009 at 1:53PM

Boy or Girl?

Mr. Wilson
May 7, 2009 at 2:07PM


I used to think I wanted one girl and one boy, probably because that’s the sort of family I grew up in. I’ve changed on two counts. First, I’m no longer stuck on the “two kids” mentality. And second, I no longer care about the kids’ gender.

Mr. Wilson
May 7, 2009 at 2:12PM

Oops, that makes it sound like I’m the one making the gender decision. The Missus is open to either gender, too.

May 7, 2009 at 3:23PM

I know a wayward but otherwise very sweet boy who could use a good home to help him find his way.  His name is Eugene and he can be contacted at  He gets a little fussy sometimes but he’s a good kid.

May 7, 2009 at 4:13PM


May 7, 2009 at 10:32PM

He gets VERY fussy. 😊

May 7, 2009 at 10:40PM

So, Dad, can I have some money?

May 7, 2009 at 11:54PM

Its funny that you make this post Mr. Wilson because I do have a friend and he and his wife recently tried to have a kid but early on in the pregnancy (maybe a month in) they lost the kid. I told them your story about adopting a kid and I encouraged him to look at the adoption route before it got to be a problem. I don’t know if he/they ready to talk about it but I’d hope that you’d be available to talk to him/them about it.

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