It’s Frickin’ Freezing in Here, Mr. Bigglesworth!

By: Mr. Wilson on January 23, 2005
The Missus and I woke up to a nice 54 degree house this morning. Not an intolerable temperature by any means, but when you're expecting at least in the 65, it catches you a bit off guard. I want to send a big thank-you to the friendly folks at Service Guard. Seriously, they were very helpful when I called, and a little repair dude -- actually a fairly large repair dude -- showed up in under two hours. (It was probably around 90 minutes, but I didn't actually pay attention to the time.) Good news: The house is now approaching 64 degrees, and warming. The furnace is, for the moment, working. Sort of. Bad news: The (large) repair dude couldn't figure out what was wrong. He's pretty sure the problem is in the electronics within the control module, so he's going to replace it. He doesn't know if he'll be able to get a new part today, though. It is, after all, Sunday. We should have full-functioning heat either late this afternoon or sometime tomorrow. Cool news: The repair dude gave me permission to kick the furnace to get it to work. Well, those weren't his exact words. But it was something like that. I watched him work, and tapping on the control panel appeared to be the best way to get it to (occasionally) work correctly. Beating things is my usual solution to get them to work, so this won't be unusual for me at all.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

January 23, 2005 at 7:41PM

How ‘bout some sharks with friggin’ lazer beams.

Awww…poor kiddos having a cold house. I have yet to turn on the furnace at the apartment for more than a few minutes (usually to get it back to 55). Yeah it’s cold, but I also live in the library, so I’m hardly here.

Mr. T
January 24, 2005 at 12:57AM

Other good news - you could be living in Boston right now. Damn they got hammered!

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